Connected & Autonomous Mobility Laboratory
Connected & Autonomous Mobility Laboratory (CAM Lab) is affiliated with the Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea. CAM Lab's research interests include but are not limited to, the fundamentals and applications of wireless communication and AI (machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning) to future mobility services using connected autonomous driving, UAV, and satellite. We also research radio technology, such as radio propagation/location/communications, spectrum engineering, and electromagnetic compatibility.
We are actively looking to recruit both M.S./Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to join our group. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Prof. Jo at by submitting your CV. We look forward to hearing from talented individuals who are eager to contribute to our research and collaborative work environment.
[04/2024] "Data Generation and Augmentation Method for Deep Learning-Based VDU Leakage Signal Restoration Algorithm," published in IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security
[03/2024] "Energy-Efficient Synchronization in Industrial Internet of Things: An Intelligent Neighbor-Knowledge Approach," published in IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics
[11/2022] Seongjun Jo, Wooyeol Yang, and Han-Shin Jo won the Best Paper Award (한국방송통신전파진흥원장 상) in the 21st Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES) Student Paper Competition for their paper entitled "Deep Q-Learning-Based Spectrum Sharing for High Altitude Platform Station".
[11/2022] Seongjun Jo and Han-Shin Jo won the Excellence Paper Award at the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS) Summer Conference 2022 for their paper entitled "Deep Reinforcement Learning-based HAPS Transmission Power Control Algorithm".
[10/2021] Seongjun Jo and Han-Shin Jo won the Excellence Paper Award at the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IKEEE) Summer Conference 2021 for their paper entitled "Dynamic Frequency Selection Algorithm for High Frequency Communication Using Reinforcement Learning".
[11/2019] Hunki Kim, Yeon-Gi Cho, and Han-Shin Jo received an Honorable Mention in the 18th Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES) Student Paper Competition for their paper entitled "Interference Analysis and Mitigation Techniques of Millimeter-wave 5G Mobile Communications with Satellite Services".
[08/2019] Yeon-Gi Cho, Hunki Kim, and Han-Shin Jo received the 2019 IEEE EMC Korea Chapter Best Paper Award for their paper entitled "Coexistence Study between IMT-2020 and Earth Exploration Satellite Service".
[04/2018] Dr. Jo is on sabbatical at WiDeS at the University of Southern California from March 2018 to Feb 2019.
[01/2017] "Opportunistic Polarization-matching for Multiuser Polarized MISO Downlink," published in IEEE Communications Letters.
[10/2016] "Coexistence of Power-Controlled Cellular Networks With Rotating Radar," published in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
[12/2015] "Noise-Jamming Effect as a Countermeasure Against TEMPEST During High-Speed Signaling," published in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
[12/2015] 대상(미래창조과학부 장관상) 수상 - 2015 미래전파 창의아이디어 설계 제작 공모
[04/2014] "Capacity Loss Due to Polarization-Mismatch and Space-Correlation on MISO Channel," published in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications.
[05/2013] "Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: From Theory to Practice" ranked as IEEE COMSOC Best Readings in Multi-Tier Cellular.